Atriopeptin is only of trivial importance in the regulation of sodium excretion during normal living conditions.
The effect of this final mechanism is to increase sodium excretion and thereby diuresis.
"Potassium might foster sodium excretion from the body," Dr. Sacks said, adding that it also lowers blood pressure within the kidney.
A decrease in glomerular filtration rate is related to aging and this results in decreasing efficiency of sodium excretion.
It decreases afterload and also promotes sodium excretion via specific dopamine receptors along the nephron.
The antimineralocorticoid properties exhibited by drospirenone promote sodium excretion and prevent water retention.
Also, baseline urinary sodium excretion was higher in the patients studied by Mathiesen et al than it was in our current and previous patients.
In most people the kidneys speed up sodium excretion under stress, thus helping keep blood pressure low.
Slowing down sodium excretion under stress raises blood pressure.
This form of hyponatraemia is due to excessive renal sodium excretion resulting from a centrally mediated process.