He crushed her into the soft bedding, his mouth hot and deeply sensual on her skin.
Despite strong warnings, millions of American infants are being put to sleep in positions or on soft bedding now considered potentially hazardous.
Line your house with thick wodges of newsprint under their soft bedding (the Telegraph is best).
When we took out the shavings, she used her soft bedding instead.
Put your grandchild to sleep on his or her back in a crib with a firm, flat mattress and no soft bedding.
The company began making flock and soft bedding.
She shifted slightly against the soft, firm bedding.
Do not allow comforters, pillows, or other soft bedding under the baby or near the baby's face.
Two suggestive findings are that sleeping on soft bedding and sleeping face down both increase a baby's risk of sudden death.
From out the front windows one could see a deep, soft bedding.