That is because, with demand soft, rates for Orlando's 77,300 hotel rooms are expected to average $2 to $3 less this winter than last.
Several months ago, it laid off 250 workers there, out of 1,800, because of soft demand.
Others say foreign rivals and soft demand make the business a difficult venture.
A. Sharply higher labor costs and soft corporate demand will likely push profits down at least 75 percent this year.
This doesn't mean lax rules, soft demands, or easy goals.
The company said it saw "no imminent signs of an upturn" in the soft demand worldwide.
He said that while the auction of 10-year notes was not a disaster, the soft demand raised concern in the market.
But currently, they are about 46 percent lower, reflecting a softer demand for office space.
The results suggested softer demand than expected for new Treasury debt.
The company said most of its publishing operations were hurt by soft demand in print advertising.