Courtney and Phoenix stood quietly, listening to the birds and the soft lapping of the water against the shore.
In this isolated spot, the soft lapping of oars could be heard.
Past the parking lot was the soft lapping of water on wood.
Combined with the soft lapping of the wavelets, they provided a kind of sensory film on to which one could imprint one's own interpretations.
A great calm had settled over the house, there was no sound save the soft lapping of waves on the beach outside.
Birds were singing, and he heard the soft lapping of a stream running over rocks.
But she is rocked to sleep every night by the soft lapping of the waves.
Then he leaned forward, and in the intense silence we were aware of the soft lapping of agitated water.
The soft lapping of the water was distinct, breaking up the silence into discrete segments.
He heard one sound only, the soft lapping of the water against the muddy beach, a lonely effect that seemed to emphasize rather than break the silence.