His voice was a soft, slow lilt of song, as if he relished every word.
The man's soft Irish lilt lcft it open whether this was question, statemcnt-or provocation.
His low voice carried the soft musical lilt that Darcy had once thought was so adorable.
She simply asks this question in a warm, low voice, each word accented by the soft lilt of the Caribbean.
Leaning forward, Sheila lowered her tone to the soft lilt of the marimba orchestra.
The deep, masculine tone, the soft lilt of his accent.
It weakened her, that soft, gentle lilt that came into his voice.
Her accent has none of the soft lilt of the mountains.
A nurse with a soft Jamaican lilt placed a pink blanket over my shoulders.
The man's soft Irish lilt left it open whether this was question, statement-or provocation.