Her voice was a soft tenor, which enabled her to sing classical arias.
The rich, deep voice had changed to a soft tenor (due to bouts with thyroid cancer, then in remission), but its warmth was still very much present.
Hickey was going through the song again, and Flynn joined in with a soft tenor.
The captain's voice fell away to a soft steely tenor, just louder than a whisper.
She has trained her vocal cords to deliver a soft, feminine tenor.
This in tenor, slow and soft, with a muffled quality, as if it were coming through a thin wall.
"Captain Kirk," the man said in a light, soft tenor.
Greg Fedderly, as Alfredo, appeared underripe vocally as well as dramatically, with a tenor soft at the core.
He speaks in a soft tenor, often tucking his chin and leaning toward his interlocutor-if he wore glasses, he would be constantly peering over them.
Large and brown, they conveyed intelligence and sensitivity, and the soft tenor of his voice and his manner of speaking reinforced the impression immediately.