She opened her lips to inform him how little she appreciated the arrogance when the soft trill of the doorbell interrupted.
The only sounds that marred the stillness were the soft trills of the surviving consoles.
One, to share this joy with us-" A soft musical trill of delight curled around the room, followed by faint laughter.
The call is a long "aaa-rk", followed by a soft trill.
He raised his hand, the whistle in it, and blew a soft, liquid trill, which blended into the purring flower-tones.
Instantly the soft trill of the working computer and the ever softer gush of the air conditioning system seemed to virtually roar.
Its flight call is a soft trill.
The contact call is a soft, short reed-like trill.
The call is several long, moaning "aaa-rk" sounds, followed by soft trills.
A soft trill of notes came out.