Nagisa is a soft-spoken girl who has very low self-esteem and self-confidence which causes her to rely on those around her for support.
She was a slender, soft-spoken girl, whose dark eyes were always vibrant and alight with emotion.
Chanaye, a soft-spoken girl who is an honors English student, clings to her faith and relies on the support of those around her at the school.
"Gorbachev is to blame," added his 13-year-old schoolmate, a soft-spoken girl named Rukhangiz.
Soon after the two daughters come to his school, Rin meets Primula, a strange, soft-spoken girl who often carries a stuffed cat around.
While her grandmother washed up in the kitchen, Nefertiti, a thoughtful, soft-spoken girl, confessed the frustration she sometimes feels as she straddles childhood and adolescence.
Miyuki is a shy, soft-spoken girl who enjoys drawing, painting, and is even a member of the art club.
Hannah Wight, a soft-spoken girl who deliberates over her words, stands by her choice.
This soft-spoken girl with the dazzling smile awoke in him such passion, such emotion, that he knew he could never feel this way about anyone else.
A polite, soft-spoken girl who's the daughter of a wealthy family.