Ms. Jaffe, who has never married, softened her views a decade later, but only to a point.
Many Californians have softened their views on pot because they now view it as a beneficial medicine, not as a wicked street drug.
But not all Government officials have softened their views.
Recently, his positive experiences working with what he refers to as "professional ethicists" have persuaded him to soften his views.
As the years passed he softened his segregationist views, becoming the first senator from the South to hire blacks on his staff.
"But since Sept. 11, I have softened my views about everything."
Codey's plain spoken approach seems to soften people's views of the state's problems.
Mr. Dell appears to have softened his views on Apple recently.
But the party has splintered and apparently softened its views in recent years.
The passage of time had done nothing to soften his views.