It was both the start of Cooper's career as a software author and the beginning of the microcomputer software business.
He cited the unfairness of gaining the benefits of software authors' time, effort, and capital without paying them.
That is, how much of the responsibility is on the software authors, and don't users have some responsibility for their own conduct?
The goal of the project is to make it easy for free software authors to make their software run on many operating systems.
Suddenly, software authors could deliver their wares to people all over the world, quickly, with negligible distribution cost.
Many software authors were able to minimize this effect.
Today, a software author must write different versions of a program for each different computer or operating system, a time-consuming process.
A deal would let software authors use Next development tools to write programs that would run on the two Microsoft operating systems.
Crossley is a software author, and has created applications for use by teachers, professors, community organizers to manage web pages.
The situation is improved for software authors, too.