This is particularly true of software or computer-implemented inventions, especially where the software is implementing a business method.
As a software implementing partner Akshara is promoting weaving and tourism based livelihoods.
The software implements an algorithm based on probabilistic inference.
Due to the parametrization capabilities the software can communicate with central traffic computers and implement their current stategy by parameter changes.
Typesetting software may or may not implement this feature, even if it is explicitly present in the font's metadata.
It consists of a collection of conventions, and free and open software implementing those conventions.
This software implements a further decryption layer, held within the receiver.
Cookies were already widespread in e-commerce, and the examiner had among her papers a 1996 description of how Netscape's software implemented them.
Most software implemented improvements on emission can only be detected using an Average-Detector!
As of systemtap release 1.7 the software implements the new stapsys group and privilege level.