For each organization identified indicate which equipment, software, or services it will supply.
Since the work uses the Wade-Giles system, which is now unfamiliar to many readers, the software also supplies pinyin romanization.
It is a disappointment that the documentation and software supplied should be so poor compared with the standard of the tablet itself.
Back at a computer, software supplied with the unit matches up the G.P.S. data with downloaded photos by using their date and time data.
That's a good omen for Cisco Systems, Network Appliance and other companies, not themselves dot-coms, whose software supplies the Internet.
It could have been a boon for those who must produce transcriptions, but the rudimentary software supplied does not let you jump into recordings randomly, mark significant points, or even rewind or fast-forward them.
Some software is licensed with a copy of the program source code supplied along with the executable code in which the license specifically authorizes changes to the supplied software.
The software supplied with the drum set includes some instructional and practice exercises as well as what the company calls play-along scores.
However, all software supplied over the internet is excluded from Intrastat.
Many software and hardware manufacturers now supply detailed system documentation on some type of electronic format such as disk or CD-ROM rather than the traditional paper manuals.