Another method to insure the integrity of electronic voting machines is independent software verification and certification.
Axioms can also assist in software verification, software testing, and other program analyses and transformations.
Modern SAT solvers are also having significant impact on the fields of software verification, constraint solving in artificial intelligence, and operations research, among others.
With rise of Cloud computing, requiring internet access is becoming more popular for software verification.
CPAchecker is a framework and tool for formal software verification, and program analysis, of C programs.
Unlike complicated automated theorem provers, verification systems may be small enough that their correctness can be checked both by hand and through automated software verification.
The alternative is formal software verification, which uses mathematical proof techniques to show the absence of bugs.
Many software engineering techniques used for software verification are applicable to simulation model verification.
Applications of E include reasoning on large ontologies, software verification, and software certification.
It has numerous applications, ranging from software engineering (software construction and also software verification) to layout algorithms and picture generation.