But instead they were all going on about software viruses and ancient civilizations.
And if the sub-commander is to be believed, it would appear that the software virus is no longer a viable option.
Novell has sent a letter to approximately 3,800 customers warning that it inadvertently included a software virus on a disk shipped earlier this month.
Norton Antivirus is a strong line of defense against software viruses.
These 'polymorphic' software viruses actually re-encrypt themselves every time they execute in an attempt to avoid recognition.
The Doctor's voice said, 'And so you infected the starsuits with a software virus.'
Some terminals on the Milnet system's unclassified portion were also struck by the software virus.
Digital cable systems are potentially vulnerable to software viruses that could proliferate throughout entire communities.
Likewise, a software virus was considered, but ruled out.
"It's not a very sophisticated program as far as the technology of software viruses."