In reality however, "cold boot" attacks pose little (if any) threat, assuming basic, rudimentary, security precautions are taken with software-based systems.
While hardware-based systems always offer real-time performance, some software-based systems need to render as the complexity of the color grading increases.
On the other hand, software-based systems tend to have more features such as spline-based windows/masks and advanced motion tracking.
VPPs maximize value for both the end user and the distribution utility using a sophisticated set of software-based systems.
This appetite for memory must be factored in when comparing the cost of the hardware-based and software-based systems.
It handles features of large software-based systems, including concurrency, distribution, nondeterminism, and local states.
Applications may cover platforms that include the traditional (legacy) software-based system of operations or networked server systems.
In limited circumstances these drives have been shown to have security problems, and are typically more expensive than software-based systems, which are available for free.
With software-based systems, the probability is a mix of software and hardware-based failures.
The most serious security problems with software-based systems are those that develop when the software requirements are incorrect, inappropriate, or incomplete for the system situation.