Last Tuesday, according to the park bench denizens, the two men hit Mr. Radu with a soggy piece of wadded-up paper, and he shouted a racial epithet at the men, who are black.
Annabelle Ramford sat on a soggy piece of carpet, in a patch of goldenrod on the southernmost shore of Lake Superior, a huge butter-ball moon rising to the east.
At the bottom of a trash-littered embankment where there is a soggy piece of marsh, created by a blocked drainage culvert.
The second, larger body to be propelled from the carton was obviously David Copperfield's; he rolled free with a large, soggy piece of the carton in both his; hands.
The snake's body wrapped round it several times, then it was still, resting draped across the high bough like a soggy piece of rope.
The fish is a soggy piece of protein sitting on a tasty pile of braised leeks.
And the other side, wonder of wonders, had yielded a hard winter apple, much bruised, and a soggy piece of journey bread, starting to mold.
A backlash from executives and employees holding these soggy pieces of paper has added to shareholders' growing opposition to options as a form of compensation.
She searched for the soggy piece of paper, and blurred as the name was, she was able to make it out.
Water poured through a blown-off section of roof at the Old Capitol Museum of Mississippi History in Jackson and left hundreds of pieces soggy, ruining some, the association's Web site said.