But it's crucial to plant them well at the outset, by digging a two-foot hole and filling it half full of soil mixed with plenty of compost.
- well-dug soil, mixed with manure or compost.
One day he was assigned to push a heavy two-wheeled cart while some of us loaded it with soil mixed with horse manure.
During transplanting, sow seeds in line with 30 cm apart in a nursery bed filled with 70% soil mixed with 30% organic matter.
The Portavant Mound was made from soil mixed with debris from middens.
Eggs are covered with soil mixed with salty water and husk.
This hybrid of the Nicotiana plant requires soft soil mixed with sand to thrive.
It looked for all the world like gardener's potting soil mixed with viscous ink.
Underneath, black soil mixed with red, tamped with something, as hovel He forgot the house and raked more leaves away.
Fill the rest of the box with some soil mixed with a small amount of fertilizer.