Col. Simon Worden, a solar physicist and deputy for technology at the anti-missile defense organization, emphasized that all plans for the mission were subject to change.
Mr. Tsubaki, who grew up in Otsu, Japan, near Kyoto, is the son of a solar physicist and a classical pianist.
Cook is trained as a solar physicist and says he is motivated by his Christian beliefs.
In the late 1960s and early 1970s the team led the world in solar research, attracting prominent solar physicists from around the world.
On the other side, two Russian solar physicists made a $10,000 bet with a British climatologist that the Earth will actually cool in the next decade.
Izumi Yasunari is a Japanese solar physicist who is a longtime member of the Global Guardians.
See, there was this solar physicist in Britain who had sort of gotten out of the solar physics field and entered the long-range forecasting field.
For three decades, the Division of Radiophysics had a world-leading role in solar research, attracting prominent solar physicists from around the world.
Dr. Alexander Kosovichev, a solar physicist at Stanford, said the wind shift had intriguing implications.
It was a little more active, but once the solar physicists on a NASA grant had milked it, they forgot it.