Mrs. Takahashi is among 70 families who live in this compact neighborhood, the largest collection of solar-powered homes in Japan.
Architectural styles vary, however, from Craftsman cottages to Mediterranean-style villas to a solar-powered modernist home with a curving facade (locals know it as Jaws).
They live in a solar-powered home that Massie built himself.
The solar village is on full display with highly-efficient, solar-powered homes on every block.
The team designed and built a solar-powered home with a split butterfly roof in a project called "WaterShed."
Much like solar-powered homes, solar cars harness energy from the sun, converting it into electricity.
From solar yard lights to solar-powered homes and businesses, many people can take advantage of the energy the sun has to offer.
In Westbury, some visitors to Michael and Regina Diehl's solar-powered home lamented their rising utility bills.
Her characters build solar-powered homes in the Wild West and leave dog biscuits outside for the friendly mountain lions.
Eco-villages, many with solar-powered homes that are constructed with hay bales, are driven by an environmentally minded ideology.