The lighthouse was automated in 1958 and is currently equipped with a 300 mm solar-powered light.
It was demolished in 2003 and replaced by a small solar-powered light.
Make the most of your night-time garden with these solar-powered lights.
Illuminated by solar-powered lights, it will have a sloping roof and good ventilation.
A Canadian company donated the 2-foot high, solar-powered light that will shine from the lantern room.
After solar-powered lights, vaccine refrigerators and a water supply had been installed, it was totally different.
In 1961, a new barracks building was constructed and a solar-powered light installed.
But he put out the solar-powered light and closed the door quietly behind him.
At night the show will be illuminated by solar-powered lights.
It will be topped with a 14-inch solar-powered light in the shape of an angel.