The soldiers run back towards him, but are not pleased and accuse him of wasting time.
The government announced that it would set up a special court to prosecute soldiers and officials accused of rights abuses in East Timor in 1999.
As a result, many British soldiers bitterly accused the airmen of doing nothing to help.
In fact, soldiers sometimes accused the papers and the local public of getting them into these difficulties by having urged them to enlist.
"You must be stuck on the Siwash, Goldie," accused the first soldier.
"The soldier didn't accuse me of anything," she said of the man who surprised her as she was herding sheep.
Broadly speaking, that means that they are initially entitled to the same due process guarantees as an American soldier would have if accused of crimes.
When he cried in horror, the soldiers accused him of sympathizing with her.
Despite his sympathy for their plight, the soldiers accuse Ellis of cowardice for remaining a civilian.
"And that the soldiers accused M'sieu' Amédé of having stolen them?"