The young soldier bowed deeply and backed off a step.
Accustomed from long training to obey any order snapped out in the appropriate tone of voice, the two soldiers bowed their heads.
The soldier did not kneel, but bowed low as we passed.
The soldier bowed again, then turned, and he and his partner swung open the doors.
But now the soldiers saw the Prince and bowed at once, showing him the strictest attention.
This time the soldier bowed fully and brought his hand up to his chest in salute.
The soldier bows to show his respect for Kadokawa's decision and walks away.
Inside the gates, soldiers standing at attention lined each side of the road, and bowed in unison as she passed.
As they passed by the seated guests, each mandarin and soldier would bow until his head rested on the table before him.
And with that, the two soldiers got a signed receipt from the head of the squad, bowed, and left.