The first shot, which killed Art, was fired by a soldier called Green.
Now and then, along the mountain above him, he heard a shout as one soldier called to another.
David fought a battle with a giant soldier called Goliath.
The soldiers called in an airstrike and later discovered all eight bodies at the destroyed building.
"Get off the main road, Canuck," one of the soldiers called, pointing the wagon onto a little side street.
But it will be in the circle with only the soldiers called to task.
A soldier farther down the trench line called, "Begging your pardon, sit, but what did you just do?"
Peacetime soldiers suddenly called on to fight usually had the chance to send their families out of the way.
The other three hesitated, and a soldier called, "What are we digging for?"
There were songs of separation, too, whether it was a bride leaving home to join her husband's family or a soldier called into combat.