Another suggested benefit is the possibility of "fortress defense", where soldier castes will threaten or attack intruders, thus protecting related individuals inside the territory.
The specialization of the soldier caste is principally a defence against predation by ants.
The soldier caste is expensive to maintain, and they are absent from young colonies with less than 100,000 workers.
In ants, the mandibles also serve a defensive function (particularly in soldier castes).
Are you able to assist soldier caste in defence?
The second group is the largest part of your soldier caste.
It was a dextrier, the soldier caste.
The soldier caste only makes up 1 to 2% of the entire colony.
The soldier caste is a terminal stage which can no longer molt.
Many ants have soldier castes, generally of larger size, some with huge swollen heads that can block nest entrances.