He complained about one raid where American soldiers confiscated heavy machine guns and rocket-propelled grenades from a government police station.
Though the radios were intended for civilians, soldiers confiscated them after they were dropped, keeping what they needed and selling the rest, residents said.
One night last week, soldiers confiscated only three rifles and three pistols, compared with hundreds taken nightly in the beginning.
Israeli soldiers also searched homes and confiscated anything deemed likely to incite violence.
After the soldiers destroyed the lodges and supplies, and confiscated the horses, the Northern Cheyenne soon surrendered.
The Confederate soldiers confiscated his uniform which reportedly upset him terribly-including his cap which had three bullet holes in it.
In one recent raid, soldiers confiscated an 18-wheel tractor-trailer filled with stolen cable.
A second soldier appeared out of nowhere and confiscated it.
Cars are routinely stopped and the occupants quizzed; the soldiers confiscate a bottle of beer or a tire and wave the travelers on.
The soldiers confiscated their money without issuing receipts, Red Cross inspectors said.