The Bible describes how David's soldiers conquered Jerusalem by discovering a water tunnel under the walls and using it to take the city by surprise.
They thought that well-trained Japanese soldiers who had experienced long civil wars would help their countries conquer China.
The surviving soldiers conquered Isla Margarita off the coast of Venezuela and made preparations to attack the mainland.
The communist soldiers of the 7th company immediately assaulted the enemy position and conquered the nationalist battalion within two hours.
Introduced into the city the hidden Egyptian soldiers emerge and conquer it.
But the American soldiers who fought through Germany and got to Austria considered Austria conquered territory as well.
The soldiers of the Barbadian Empire had conquered most of the known world to the east.
In 1524, while still in Panama, Pizarro formed a partnership with a priest, Hernando de Luque, and a soldier, Diego de Almagro, to explore and conquer the South.
The ebony- armored soldiers had not conquered most of their continent by luck.
Ever since soldiers from Normandy conquered England in 1066, all the English nobility were basically French.