After more than an hour of fighting, the army imposed a curfew, but it reportedly took several hours before the soldiers could fully enforce it.
It was reported that "British soldiers enforced this eviction, and came to blows with the inhabitants.
The commander said his soldiers could not enforce the law, but added, "We cannot sit down and watch civilians being killed while we are around."
In the main square, Israeli soldiers energetically enforced an unexplained ban on the entry of journalists.
India has dispatched 20,000 soldiers, many of them ethnic Tamils, to enforce the agreement signed by the two countries July 29.
In another unpopular move, soldiers have enforced a ban on miniskirts and tight pants.
On Nov. 5, 1863, a mine official, George K. Smith, was killed because he helped soldiers enforce the draft.
Defense Minister Benjamin Ben-Eliezer said the soldiers were simply enforcing the law.
Even though Harris and his soldiers vigilantly enforced the rules, arresting many violators, there was no legal authority for prosecution or punishment.
The King was cer-tainly able to proclaim whatever he pleased or rather, whatever his soldiers could enforce.