The 2 soldiers evacuated him to the forward aid station and shortly thereafter he succumbed to his wound.
Adams's second shot hit just behind the rig where half-a-dozen Chinese soldiers had just evacuated the burning weapons carrier.
Near the end of the war, the facility is attacked, and the soldiers and staff evacuated.
American and Iraqi soldiers on the ground formed a cordon immediately after the crash and evacuated the two pilots.
The army said that over 90 minutes, soldiers evacuated the building and searched it, and then evacuated surrounding buildings.
Or did the military know that Iraqi soldiers had already evacuated the hospital, leaving Ms. Lynch in the hands of friendly doctors and nurses?
The four headed separately toward the site, where American soldiers were recovering the body of the captain and evacuating the co-pilot.
The last Greek soldiers had evacuated Smyrna on 8 September.
Some say soldiers have burned the village, or forcibly evacuated it or committed some kind of atrocity there.
It, too, was abandoned, doors wide open where the soldiers had evacuated, rushing in to face Dupin's reserves on foot.