Then the unsentimental soldiers yanked her toward the revolving doors and hustled her faster than she cared to walk toward the encampment.
Because the general said nothing, the soldiers did not know what to do-should they seize the woman and hustle her away?
Then the soldiers hustled them through the gate and left them inside the pen.
Then, before she knew what was happening, before she could voice her own feelings, the soldiers had hustled her away.
Later, four soldiers pulled a man from a crowd and hustled him behind a tank for an impromptu interrogation.
I made no resistance when the soldiers seized me and hustled me deep into the bowels of the building.
The sunlight came dappled through the forest cover, bringing plenty of light but in splotches that broke and moved as the soldiers hustled about.
Out in the street he could see the soldiers hustling Mai into the darkness.
The soldiers hustled us down to street level, not giving us the tiniest chance to talk among ourselves.
Outside on the main deck, two Cardassian soldiers hustled about trying to run a ship meant to be run by a crew of couple dozen.