His soldiers have been defeated by Josua's peasant army, and now the immortals themselves have entered the fray.
As so often, the successful soldier was defeated not in battle, but by the intrigues of politicians.
The Tyrian soldiers have been defeated but Egisto still fights on.
The parched soldiers of Shu were easily defeated when Zhang He then launched an offensive on the main camp itself.
Piggot came back out with the response that Colonel Clark's soldiers had never been defeated and would never give up.
It is an article of faith among the military that the American soldier was not defeated on the battlefield.
The Black soldiers are eventually surrounded and defeated, and the White King rescues the Bula.
After 100 soldiers are defeated, the enemy unit's officer appears, and if the player can defeat him/her, the officer under the player's control may receive even further bonuses.
Despite a good fight by the Praetorian Guard, his soldiers were defeated.
His soldiers would be defeated by Dragon, Turner, and Shiva, which enraged Moon.