The soldiers soon overthrew him and replaced him with his distant relative Tian Xing, and he was delivered to the Tang capital Chang'an.
Eventually radical liberals, and discontented soldiers led by General Juan Prim, overthrew Isabel in the Septembrina Revolution of 1868.
In 1204, the soldiers of the Fourth Crusade seized Constantinople and overthrew the Byzantine Empire.
Led by Abu Taher, soldiers of the Bangladesh Army overthrew the 3-day coup of Mosharraf and freed Major General Ziaur Rahman from house arrest.
When soldiers overthrew President Jean-Bertrand Aristide last September, governments throughout the hemisphere publicly worried about military challenges elsewhere unless they quickly forced Haitian troops back to the barracks.
On October 26, 1582, Yermak and his soldiers overthrew Kuchum Khan's Tatar empire at Qashliq in a battle that marked the "conquest of Siberia."
In 765, the soldiers overthrew Hou because he was overburdening them with labor, and they supported Li Huaiyu as his successor.
On 22 March, mutineering Malian soldiers unhappy with Amadou Toumani Touré overthrew the Malian government in a coup d'état.
When the soldiers overthrew your first freely elected President, Jean-Bertrand Aristide, in 1991, you were glad that the Bush Administration denounced the coup and said Aristide was the legitimate leader.
The Central Intelligence Agency proposed a plan in which Korean soldiers masquerading as Surinamese insurgents would overthrow the leftist Government.