Tanks and soldiers roamed the streets.
A soldier who had been brought in several days earlier suffering from shell shock roamed through the carnage in the house.
Then again, if you lived in a country where armed soldiers regularly roamed the hills, maybe that wasn't reason enough to make you postpone your Saturday outing.
Rifle-toting former soldiers who had fought against the government roamed the streets.
All that long day the French soldiers, most of them half starved and out of control, roamed the hills and fields above Fishguard.
Renegade soldiers roamed Freetown's streets, looting houses and harassing drivers.
Drunken soldiers roam the streets; crime rates have tripled every week since their arrival.
His ancestors' paradise has become a war-scarred land where soldiers roam unchecked and a military government controls every aspect of its citizens' lives.
Heavily armed soldiers in steel-plated vehicles roam the streets at all hours.
Jittery soldiers roamed the streets and valleys of the mountainous country shooting indiscriminately at the populace.