Then, when one Japanese soldier stabbed at him with a bayonet, he desperately tried to grab the gun, but got his thumb cut off.
We charged in; each soldier stabbed two beastmen; and we ran out.
The spirit of the mob then took hold as more missiles were thrown and the nearest soldiers stabbed Cinna to death.
According to the center, soldiers searched houses and shot or stabbed people suspected of aiding rebels.
Details of the incident emerged in a court martial, which heard that the soldier stabbed the boy who had been pestering Crook for chocolate.
In response, the soldier "took hold of the boy's shoulder and stabbed him in the region of his kidneys with his bayonet".
While he did, a soldier stabbed upward with a pike.
From where he lay on the pile of bodies, a soldier stabbed Roran through his right calf muscle, hobbling him.
To make sure that he was dead, a Roman soldier (named in extra-Biblical tradition as Longinus) stabbed him in the side.
Awoke and startled, the Swiss soldier mistook Barry for a wolf and fatally stabbed him with his bayonet.