Both soldiers were traveling in a British Army van when they came under fire.
Along with the soldiers traveled two women, one of them pregnant and about to deliver.
The soldiers had been travelling in an armoured vehicle when the bomb exploded.
Because soldiers often travel to remote areas, their immune systems aren't always equipped to handle the diseases they encounter.
The settlers and soldiers stationed here traveled to Yankton in late August 1862.
Only soldiers and paramilitary forces could travel under the curfew regulations.
Many Spanish soldiers and thousands of Amerindians allies traveled to the region.
The remaining two soldiers traveled hard to convey the message to the Emperor of Erwadi.
But these soldiers were traveling in a unit of the 507th that made a wrong turn away from coalition forces and came under attack.
As American soldiers and officials traveled through the area for the first time following the War of 1812, they initially used the French spelling.