Individual soldiers wandered alone to the tent church to be alone and contemplate.
The soldiers had wandered away again, back toward the exit of the building.
Were there other Republican Guard soldiers wandering the streets of Tikrit?
It is hard to imagine that a soldier could just wander in and perform duty at his own discretion.
The three soldiers wandered about for a minute or two, looking for them, and then quietly marched off after the others.
The soldiers wandered about the area, inspecting every body lying about, to ascertain that each was surely dead or dying.
Your soldiers will wander around doing what they feel is best, occasionally sending messages requesting new weapons or asking if you are paying attention.
But this soldier had wandered into the Xbox room and found this fishing game, so that's what he was doing.
A weary German soldier wandered into Tandey's line of fire.
Once in 1952, when he was a 24-year-old intelligence officer, two Israeli soldiers wandered across the Jordanian border by accident and were captured.