The next year, another battle happened, which 32,000 Greek hoplites and 50,000 other soldiers won.
Military officers noted privately that they were confident their soldiers could win at the battlefield level.
Oh, it was a merry chase here for a day or two, but of course the soldiers won.
The soldiers took courage from him, regrouped and won the day.
"Gil, I don't understand how a soldier can win a battle with his eyes closed."
The soldiers won, and afterwards the representative of the government came to the area and is said to have made peace between the two groups.
One ended in a scoreless tie and the other the soldiers won 10 to 5.
This is highlighted by the fact that soldiers on either side won their nation's highest military honours.
The soldiers have won most of the 1,100 cases processed in the last few years, though, with an average award of about $30,000.
When the time is up or all mutants are dead, the soldiers win.