"Judas Kiss," the band's current single, puts an irresistible Chuck Berry-style tune behind the story of a lover lost to drug use; "Crawl in Bed" is a stomping manifesto that defies political affiliations and declares sole allegiance to rock-and-roll.
Smith was *Which, in a way, he was-his sole allegiance was to himself 154 LABRADOR SMITH decisively beaten.
White South Africans whose "sole allegiance was to Africa" were considered part of the African nation and therefore excluded from the settler category.
Asserting sole allegiance to rabbinic authority and rejecting Government regulation, the stations operate without licenses.
Whether it was that I was born myself with some secret quota embodied in my flesh, or only that I knew my sole allegiance must be given elsewhere now ... I knew.
I was reasonably sure that Fergus had no personal politics to speak of; beyond his family, his sole allegiance was to Jamie.
Phase 3 - Nativisation: According to Schneider, this is the stage at which a transition occurs as the English settler population starts to accept a new identity based on present and local realities, rather than sole allegiance to their 'mother country'.
Indeed, the American Jewish community's traditional response to the ugly charge of dual loyalty has been: there is none, we owe our sole national allegiance to the United States.
In 1180/82 Frederick Barbarossa had Blankenburg devastated because it had pledged "sole allegiance" to the Welf, Henry the Lion.
Having gained tenure at N.Y.U. two years later, he gave it his sole allegiance.