Banokles is soon the sole defender of Troy, and falls at last.
Next, the fork is executed by removing the sole defender of the a3-square: 2... Qxb2!
Goodman gained attention in 2013 when he was one of the sole defenders of the IRS policy of targeting conservative groups during the previous presidential election.
Secondly, their eyes are on eternal truth, of which each party deems itself the sole defender.
Is it acceptable that they call themselves the sole defender of freedom, democracy, and human rights, while they militarily attack and occupy other countries?
Mr. Almodovar will be the tie's sole defender, in a short story about a man who had a sexual obsession with ties.
The Moldavian soldiers in the castle deserted, leaving a small Polish contingent as sole defenders.
Cicero was Cluentius's sole defender, and composed his famous speech Pro Cluentio for the occasion.
Ossory died on 30 July, and Fairborne remained as sole defender of Tangier.
Mr. Le Pen can also no longer claim to be the sole defender of France's identity against what he calls "Euro-mondialism."