With this ever greater reliance on coastal waters, freedom of the seas and laissez-faire can no longer be the sole justification for marine environmental policy in the region.
The fact that the proposed recipient was participating in direct or indirect combat operations is a necessary prerequisite, but is not sole justification for award.
The critics say the sole justification for the deal was to show Bertelsmann's commitment to RCA.
Under the new guidelines, the Administration considers programs whose sole justification is promoting diversity to be legally suspect.
After Bakke, to the extent that Justice Powell spoke for the court, diversity became the sole permissible justification for taking race into account in admissions.
"His openness is the sole and sufficient justification for his ostracism," Justice Stevens wrote, which amounts to "a constitutionally prescribed symbol of inferiority."
"Do any of these initiatives bespeak the alleged bad faith that is the sole justification for plaintiffs' motion?"
"It is the sole justification and the only stable foundation for our rule."
The sole justification was to enable him to recover his passport and to give himself up in Germany, which he did, although he was immediately released on bail.
His intellect was surely his sole justification for existence.