Instead of being used as the sole anti-submarine measure, indicator nets were often mixed with extensive minefields and patrolling warships.
It was hardly the first time that somebody had denounced money value as the sole measure of worth of all things.
Mr. Allbaugh warned against making payment comparisons between individual disasters the sole measure of how well the agency had responded.
The sole measure of eligibilty is qualifying for free school milk and lunch.
Isn't there a danger that the money becomes all-consuming; that the sole measure of a piece of art is what it sells for?
"Standardized testing should not be the sole measure of whether a kid has met the academic standards."
How did share price become the sole measure of success?
"Is the sole measure of merit or worth the performance on these tests?"
One criticism involves using the number of students who receive free or reduced-price lunches as the sole measure for determining the poverty level.
From now on, the number of accidents on a given stretch of the road should be the sole measure of their performance.