"That is the sole requirement."
For this wonderfully simple little delicacy the sole requirements are good quality sardines in oil, fresh butter, lemon, and cayenne pepper.
The sole requirement is that the material is relevant to the particular industry which the magazine covers and, preferably, that it is fairly new stuff.
Rather than focusing on performance improvements, the Chief-of-Staff Operations made only a lighter weight the sole requirement in order to lower production costs.
The sole requirement of button interaction is that the user can execute a command by a click action.
If potent people were the sole requirement for success, WEHM would be destined for greatness.
The sole requirement for the poster is that the word SHOW be featured.
The club's sole requirement for membership is "a hirsute appendage of the upper lip and with graspable extremities"; beards are absolutely forbidden.
Uncommon dexterity is essential for anyone who hopes to become a highly skilled card mechanic, but it is not the sole requirement.
Had he lived to fight at Waterloo in a square, when the sole requirement was dogged bravery, he would have been a most successful commander.