However, it rejected the machine-or-transformation test as a sole test of patentability based on an interpretation of the language of 101.
Moreover, she challenged the machine-or-transformation test as being the sole remaining test of patent-eligibility.
That is the one and sole and infallible test of all ideas that will ever be presented to you.
It is rarely used as the first or sole diagnostic test for congenital heart disease.
The Court correctly holds that the machine-or-transformation test is not the sole test for what constitutes a patentable process; rather, it is a critical clue.
First, using a grocery store for the sole test of a psychological theory is at best questionable.
But the sole test of when we publish a story is not whether it will influence a political outcome.
But though unilateral declarations carry moral force, they cannot be the sole test for diplomatic recognition.
The Supreme Court has held that the machine-or-transformation test is not the sole test for the patent-eligibility of processes.
It is fairly specific, but not sensitive for ulcerative colitis, so is not useful as a sole diagnostic test.