The midnight silence is broken by the solemn announcement of the return of another morning.
One by one they have been lured to the meeting place and there they -" "They have died," was Vincent's solemn announcement.
He could not distinguish the words; but the accents were those of a solemn and portentous announcement.
This solemn announcement was partially drowned in the low thunder of marching metallic feet as my special combat robots advanced with fire-ready weapons.
He flicked on the radio, and they heard the solemn announcements from London, and Morgan said in awed tones, "Golly, it's a real war!"
He arose and made public and solemn announcement that whosoever bought El-Soo would forthwith and immediately die.
Then the solemn announcement of an intrepid volunteer's name, from far, far away.
After all, what will the citizens say if we make a solemn announcement about rights to them but they are unable to take legal action in respect of these rights as individuals?
Then, with hand raised to his false beard, the turbaned hypnotist delivered a solemn announcement.
Briggs's solemn announcement saved the historian from the trouble of finding an end to a sentence which was rapidly getting out of hand.