The translation of relics was a solemn and important event.
We are privileged to witness a solemn event which the rest of Sibornal will be commemorating.
The signing ceremony was a solemn event and performed in the presence of numerous people.
It made what was a really solemn event into something that seemed wrong.
This solemn event attracts thousands of people to the Hauptmarkt.
That very evening the most solemn event of all would unfold along the boulevard right before our hotel, the Pegoulado.
For many people, it might not seem right to incorporate high technology into such a personal and solemn event.
They accused it of transforming what was supposed to be a solemn civic event into a religious occasion.
The official worship of a city god was a solemn and dignified event, and these ceremonies were held inside the temple.
This was a solemn event too, and I spoke little and ate even less.