But there are also such comic moments as an elephant's solemn funeral, with the black-clothed circus troupe forming a garish procession behind a tank-size coffin.
Marx Dormoy was given a solemn funeral in his birthplace of Montluçon.
The carnival takes place in February: it ends on the night of "Fat Tuesday" with a solemn funeral.
The 21st and 22 February were declared official days of mourning in Tudela, where a solemn funeral was held for the composer prior to his burial there.
He composed for official celebrations, the last (1771) being the solemn funeral of the Duke of Montealegre, Spanish ambassador to Venice.
Her death shakes the whole neighbourhood and everyone takes part in her cheap, but solemn funeral.
What later follows is a solemn funeral for Clean.
In Valladolid (Spain), where the imperial court of Charles V was established, a solemn funeral was celebrated.
Instruct Neodelos, on pain of general excommunication, to hold solemn funeral for all slain commoners and convey home their bodies with the greatest pomp.
God be thanked, Richildis will have whatever comfort there is in a solemn and dignified funeral, since all that Robert does must be done with grandeur.