Crystal often tended to be in a more solemn mood after her sessions.
Embarrassed and crushed by the weight of her silence, he had slid into an equally solemn mood.
Kirk asked, trying to break the solemn mood they had both succumbed to.
It was thought that a more public royal wedding might help lift the solemn post-war mood.
Immediately the solemn mood of the devout company changed.
- and it was in a solemn mood.
But no, he was still in too solemn a mood to perpetrate a pun consciously.
'Death is abroad in this city,' he told us, a solemn mood suddenly falling upon him.
They reject the idea that Marvell's poem carries a serious and solemn mood.
He wanted to be alone, and the sleepy brute's presence here jarred on his own solemn mood.