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He tried to make himself think solemnly about the problem.
She looked at him solemnly, as though trying to make up her mind.
He had raised his eyes solemnly and was looking into her own.
He opened his eyes and looked solemnly at them both.
Then he solemnly raised the cover and turned it over.
She said solemnly, "I can think of a few people who sound like that."
The great white head turned to regard him solemnly for a moment.
And he shook hands solemnly with each of them in turn.
He almost smiled, so solemnly had she asked the question.
El got control of himself and told her solemnly to continue.
She closed the door and looked at the professor solemnly.
Come now, do smile, instead of looking at me so solemnly.
The Governor stopped talking and looked at the two men solemnly.
After a long moment he turned solemnly to his wife, and nodded.
She looked at them both and shook her head solemnly.
And who will believe that of me, now, no matter how solemnly I write it down?
"There are a couple of things we need specific information on," he said solemnly.
The two nodded solemnly, moved to stand by the window.
He gave me his hand, and I shook it solemnly.
She looked at me solemnly, the tears standing in her eyes.
I left them staring solemnly at the place where I'd stood.
Susan looked at me solemnly for a moment, thinking about it.
Running across to the tourist, she looked up solemnly at him.
"I am trying to figure you out," he told her solemnly.
They shook hands rather solemnly, but he gave her no time to speak.