They get this energy from their surroundings, which are the rest of the liquid and solid water.
It was enough to do the first things that he saw in the solid water of the Wobbish River.
Outside, the amount of solid water sweeping the deck was amazing.
This can also happen with solid water (ice) and some other compounds if the conditions are right.
We must have been taking enough solid water completely over us to keep it washed clear.
The rain beat against the window, washing in solid water down the panes.
The idea of seeing solid water up close no longer seemed so romantic, but it certainly was close.
Stay overnight up here and he might well turn to solid water himself, or so he feared.
I asked Darcy, and in turning to speak to him, the wind drove solid water into my mouth.
And could solid water (ice) be used in a useful way as a good dielectric.