Flyable TRADIC was used to establish the feasibility of using an airborne solid-state computer as the control element of a bombing and navigation system.
The X1 was a solid-state binary computer ("completely transistorized") with magnetic core memory.
As solid-state computers developed, even the largest and most powerful ones had to be operated in batch processing mode.
Their ancestry could be traced back to the primitive "think tanks" of the mid-twentieth century, but only in the sense that a solid-state computer was descended from Hollerith's punched-card analyzer.
The world's first solid-state computer was the Philco S-2000 Transac, built in 1957.
We will, throughout this book, consider the human brain a kind of bio-computer-an electro-colloidal computer, as distinct from the electronic or solid-state computers which exist outside our heads.
Because the human brain, like other animal brains, acts as an electro-colloidal computer, not a solid-state computer, it follows the same laws as other animal brains.
The rotary drum computer was gone, and it its place was a solid-state computer that rarely failed.
Spacecraft control was provided by a solid-state computer and sequencer and an earth-controlled command system.
Nearly one-third of its projects are operational, including a new geneation of solid-state computers at the 20 regional centers.