The counter-protesters converted their protest into a solidarity rally when it was apparent that the church was not going to appear.
In October 1994, SLAC activists met University of Michigan students at a solidarity rally in Decatur.
The program ranges from sports competitions to gatherings on leftist topics, ranging from an "anti-imperialist tribunal" to a "solidarity rally with the people, youth and students of Nicaragua."
On 14 February 2011, thousands of protesters began to gather in a solidarity rally with Egypt and Tunisia.
A week after the murder, on August 8, a solidarity rally was held in Rabin Square in Tel Aviv.
"I went to all the solidarity rallies," she said nostalgically.
He was among the organizers of a solidarity rally in University Square, scheduled for 15 November 1956.
Its first event coincided with a solidarity rally for Israel at Temple Chai of Phoenix, held on October 29, 2000, hosted by the Arizona Jewish community.
New Jersey union groups called for a solidarity rally for Wisconsin's public workers outside the statehouse in Trenton on February 25.
Last Saturday in Los Angeles, two Spanish-language radio stations hosted thousands of Spanish-speaking immigrants at one of the city's largest solidarity rallies.